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Epilepsia: Volumen 61, Issue 6, Junio 2020

Seizures in autoimmune encephalitis: Kindling the fire

Robb Wesselingh Helmut Butzkueven Katherine Buzzard David Tarlinton Terence J. O'Brien Mastura Monif

Pages: 1033-1044


The postictal state — What do we know?

Julia C. M. Pottkämper Jeannette Hofmeijer Jeroen A. van Waarde Michel J. A. M. van Putten

Pages: 1045-1061


Physical activity in people with epilepsy: A systematic review

Emma C. Johnson J. Helen Cross Colin Reilly

Pages: 1062-1081


Does cannabidiol have antiseizure activity independent of its interactions with clobazam? An appraisal of the evidence from randomized controlled trials

Meir Bialer Emilio Perucca

Pages: 1082-1089


Cannabidiol efficacy and clobazam status: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

Simona Lattanzi | Eugen Trinka | Pasquale Striano | Gaetano Zaccara | Cinzia Del Giovane | Raffaele Nardone | Mauro Silvestrini | Francesco Brigo

Pages: 1090-1098


Cenobamate (YKP3089) as adjunctive treatment for uncontrolled focal seizures in a large, phase 3, multicenter, open‐label safety study

Michael R. Sperling Pavel Klein Sami Aboumatar Michael Gelfand Jonathan J. Halford Gregory L. Krauss William E. Rosenfeld David G. Vossler Robert Wechsler Leona Borchert Marc Kamin

Pages: 1099-1108


Effectiveness and safety of perampanel monotherapy for focal and generalized tonic‐clonic seizures: Experience from a national multicenter registry

Rafael Toledano Delgado Irene García‐Morales Beatriz Parejo‐Carbonell Adolfo Jiménez‐Huete David Herrera‐Ramirez Ayoze González‐Hernández Fernando Ayuga Loro Estevo Santamarina Amat Pages: 1109-1119


Usefulness of saliva for perampanel therapeutic drug monitoring

Do‐Yong Kim Jangsup Moon Yong‐Won Shin Soon‐Tae Lee Keun‐Hwa Jung Kyung‐Il Park Ki‐Young Jung Manho Kim SeungHwan Lee Kyung‐Sang Yu In‐Jin Jang KaHeon Song Kon Chu Sangkun Lee

Pages: 1120-1128


Program of Active Consumer Engagement in Self‐Management in Epilepsy: Replication and extension of a self‐management randomized controlled trial

Erica K. Johnson Robert T. Fraser Steven Lashley Jason Barber Erica M. Brandling‐Bennett David G. Vossler John W. Miller Lisa Caylor Tessala Warheit‐Niemi

Pages: 1129-1141


Lessons learned from 40 novel PIGA patients and a review of the literature

Allan Bayat Alexej Knaus Manuela Pendziwiat Alexandra Afenjar Tahsin Stefan Barakat Friedrich Bosch Bert Callewaert Patrick Calvas Berten Ceulemans Nicolas Chassaing Christel Depienne Milda Endziniene Carlos R. Ferreira Carolina Fischinger Moura de Souza Cécile Freihuber Shiva Ganesan Pages: 1142-1155

Trait and state interoceptive abnormalities are associated with dissociation and seizure frequency in patients with functional seizures

Akihiro Koreki Sarah N. Garfkinel Marco Mula Niruj Agrawal Sarah Cope Talia Eilon Cassandra Gould Van Praag Hugo D. Critchley Mark Edwards Mahinda Yogarajah

Pages: 1156-1165


Severe psychological distress among patients with epilepsy during the COVID‐19 outbreak in southwest China

Xiaoting Hao Dong Zhou Zhe Li Guojun Zeng Nanya Hao Enzhi Li Wenjing Li Aiping Deng Mintao Lin Bo Yan

Pages: 1166-1173


High‐frequency electrical stimulation of the anterior thalamic nuclei increases vigilance in epilepsy patients during relaxed and drowsy wakefulness

Iancu Bucurenciu Anke Maren Staack Alireza Gharabaghi Bernhard J. Steinhoff

Pages: 1174-1182


Stereotactic Laser Ablation for Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A prospective, multicenter, single‐arm study

Michael R. Sperling Robert E. Gross Guy E. Alvarez Guy M. McKhann Vicenta Salanova Julie Gilmore

Pages: 1183-1189


Stereotactic laser anterior corpus callosotomy for Lennox‐Gastaut syndrome

James X. Tao David Satzer Naoum P. Issa John Collins Shasha Wu Sandra Rose Julia Henry Fabiane Santos de Lima Douglas Nordli Peter C. Warnke

Pages: 1190-1200


Psychosocial profiles and their predictors in epilepsy using patient‐reported outcomes and machine learning

Colin B. Josephson Jordan D. T. Engbers Meng Wang Kevin Perera Pamela Roach Tolulope T. Sajobi Samuel Wiebe Calgary Comprehensive Epilepsy Program collaborators

Pages: 1201-1210


Cognitive phenotypes in temporal lobe epilepsy utilizing data‐ and clinically driven approaches: Moving toward a new taxonomy

Anny Reyes Erik Kaestner Lisa Ferguson Jana E. Jones Michael Seidenberg William B. Barr Robyn M. Busch Bruce P. Hermann Carrie R. McDonald

Pages: 1211-1220


Functional connectome contractions in temporal lobe epilepsy: Microstructural underpinnings and predictors of surgical outcome

Sara Larivière Yifei Weng Reinder Vos de Wael Jessica Royer Birgit Frauscher Zhengge Wang Andrea Bernasconi Neda Bernasconi Dewi V. Schrader Zhiqiang Zhang Boris C. Bernhardt

Pages: 1221-1233


Utility of genetic testing for therapeutic decision‐making in adults with epilepsy

Katrine M. Johannesen Natalya Nikanorova Dragan Marjanovic Agnieszka Pavbro Line H. G. Larsen Guido Rubboli Rikke S. Møller

Pages: 1234-1239


pCREB expression in human tissues from epilepsy surgery

Dalia De Santis Laura Rossini Laura Tassi Giuseppe Didato Giovanni Tringali Massimo Cossu Manuela Bramerio Francesco Padelli Maria Cristina Regondi Francesca Colciaghi Eleonora Aronica Roberto Spreafico Rita Garbelli

Pages: 1240-1252


Seizure‐related apneas have an inconsistent linkage to amygdala seizure spread

Katherine Park Kiran Kanth Sami Bajwa Fady Girgis Kiarash Shahlaie Masud Seyal

Pages: 1253-1260


Use of ketogenic diet therapy in infants with epilepsy: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

Laura Lyons Natasha E. Schoeler Dean Langan J. Helen Cross

Pages: 1261-1281


Neonatal vitamin D status and risk of childhood epilepsy

Ina O. Specht Fanney Thorsteinsdottir Karen Christina Walker Jørn Olsen Berit L Heitmann

Pages: 1282-1290


A rat model of valproate teratogenicity from chronic oral treatment during pregnancy

Dana Jazayeri Emma Braine Stuart McDonald Sebastian Dworkin Kim L. Powell Karen Griggs Frank J. E. Vajda Terence J. O’Brien Nigel C. Jones

Pages: 1291-1300


Evaluation of subchronic administration of antiseizure drugs in spontaneously seizing rats

Kyle E. Thomson Cameron S. Metcalf Thomas G. Newell Jennifer Huff Sharon F. Edwards Peter J. West Karen S. Wilcox

Pages: 1301-1311


New onset acute symptomatic seizure and risk factors in coronavirus disease 2019: A retrospective multicenter study

Lu Lu Weixi Xiong Dan Liu Jing Liu Dan Yang Nian Li Jie Mu Jian Guo Weimin Li Gang Wang Hui Gao Yingying Zhang Mintao Lin Lei Chen Sisi Shen Hesheng Zhang Josemir W. Sander Jianfei Luo Shengli Chen Dong Zhou

Pages: e49-e53


Characterization of organophosphate‐induced brain injuries in a convulsive mouse model of diisopropylfluorophosphate exposure

Julie Enderlin Alexandre Igert Stéphane Auvin Florian Nachon Grégory Dal Bo Nina Dupuis

Pages: e54-e59


Electrocorticographic and neurochemical findings after local cortical valproate application in patients with pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy

Dirk‐Matthias Altenmüller Jonas M. Hebel Cagan Deniz Silvanie Volz Josef Zentner Thomas J. Feuerstein Andreas Moser

Pages: e60-e65


The association of patient weight and dose of fosphenytoin, levetiracetam, and valproic acid with treatment success in status epilepticus

Abhishek G. Sathe Jordan J. Elm James C. Cloyd James M. Chamberlain Robert Silbergleit Jaideep Kapur Hannah R. Cock Nathan B. Fountain Shlomo Shinnar Daniel H. Lowenstein Robin A. Conwit Thomas P. Bleck Lisa D. Coles

Pages: e66-e70

Epilepsia: Volumen 61, Issue 5, Mayo 2020

How technology is driving the landscape of epilepsy surgery

Christian Dorfer Bertil Rydenhag Gordon Baltuch Vivek Buch Jeffrey Blount Robert Bollo Jason Gerrard Daniel Nilsson Karl Roessler James Rutka Ashwini Sharan Dennis Spencer Arthur Cukiert

Pages: 841-855


Ictal onset sites and γ‐aminobutyric acidergic neuron loss in epileptic pilocarpine‐treated rats

Megan Wyeth Monica Nagendran Paul S. Buckmaster

Pages: 856-867


A knock‐in mouse model for KCNQ2‐related epileptic encephalopathy displays spontaneous generalized seizures and cognitive impairment

Mathieu Milh Pierre Roubertoux Najoua Biba Julie Chavany Adeline Spiga Ghata Camille Fulachier Stephan Christopher Collins Christel Wagner Jean‐Christophe Roux Binnaz Yalcin Marie‐Solenne Félix Florence Molinari Pierre‐Pascal Lenck‐Santini Laurent Villard

Pages: 868-878


Early developmental electroencephalography abnormalities, neonatal seizures, and induced spasms in a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex

Nicholas Rensing Kevin J. Johnson Thomas J. Foutz Joseph L. Friedman Rafael Galindo Michael Wong

Pages: 879-891


Developmental decrease in parvalbumin‐positive neurons precedes increase in flurothyl‐induced seizure susceptibility in the Brd2 +/− mouse model of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

Emily McCarthy Faariah Shakil Patrick Saint Ange Emily Morris Cameron James Miller Shilpa Pathak David A. Greenberg Jana Velíšková Libor Velíšek

Pages: 892-902


Deep brain stimulation reduces evoked potentials with a dual time course in freely moving rats: Potential neurophysiological basis for intermittent as an alternative to continuous stimulation

Mathieu Sprengers Robrecht Raedt Lars Emil Larsen Jean Delbeke Wytse Jan Wadman Paul Boon Kristl Vonck

Pages: 903-913


Functional characterization of the antiepileptic drug candidate, padsevonil, on GABAA receptors

Isabelle Niespodziany Philippe Ghisdal Brice Mullier Martyn Wood Laurent Provins Rafal M. Kaminski Christian Wolff

Pages: 914-923


Late drug‐resistance in mild MTLE: Can it be influenced by preexisting white matter alterations?

Angelo Labate Maria Eugenia Caligiuri Francesco Fortunato Edoardo Ferlazzo Umberto Aguglia Antonio Gambardella

Pages: 924-934


Pharmacokinetics and safety of VALTOCO (NRL‐1; diazepam nasal spray) in patients with epilepsy during seizure (ictal/peri‐ictal) and nonseizure (interictal) conditions: A phase 1, open‐label study

Robert Edward Hogan Daniel Tarquinio Michael R. Sperling Pavel Klein Ian Miller Eric B. Segal Adrian L. Rabinowicz Enrique Carrazana

Pages: 935-943


Pregnancy after valproate withdrawal—Fetal malformations and seizure control

Frank J. E. Vajda Terence J. O’Brien Janet E. Graham Alison A. Hitchcock Cecilie M. Lander Mervyn J. Eadie

Pages: 944-950


Digital conversations about suicide among teenagers and adults with epilepsy: A big‐data, machine learning analysis

Tatiana Falcone Anjali Dagar Ruby C. Castilla-Puentes Amit Anand Caroline Brethenoux Liliana G. Valleta Patrick Furey Jane Timmons-Mitchell Elia Pestana-Knight

Pages: 951-958


Circulating miR‐146a and miR‐134 in predicting drug‐resistant epilepsy in patients with focal impaired awareness seizures

Maria Leontariti Margaritis Avgeris Martha‐Spyridoula Katsarou Nikolaos Drakoulis Anna Siatouni Anastasia Verentzioti Athanasia Alexoudi Aggeliki Fytraki Panayiotis Patrikelis Dido Vassilacopoulou Pages: 959-970


Epilepsy in LAMA2‐related muscular dystrophy: An electro‐clinico‐radiological characterization

Daniel Natera‐de Benito Jordi Muchart Debora Itzep Carlos Ortez Lidia González‐Quereda Pía Gallano Alia Ramirez Javier Aparicio Jana Domínguez‐Carral Laura Carrera‐García Jessica Expósito‐Escudero Nathalia Pardo Cardozo Daniel Cuadras Anna Codina Cristina Jou Cecilia Jimenez‐Mallebrera Francesc Palau Jaume Colomer Alexis Arzimanoglou Andrés Nascimento Victoria San Antonio‐Arce

Pages: 971-983


Semiologic subgroups of insulo‐opercular seizures based on connectional architecture atlas

Haixiang Wang Aileen McGonigal Kai Zhang Qiang Guo Bingqing Zhang Xiu Wang Xiao Wang Jiuluan Lin Xiancheng Song Qian Feng Siyu Wang Mengyang Wang Xiaoqiu Shao Xiaoyan Liu Liang Wang Wenjing Zhou

Pages: 984-994


Phenotypic and genetic spectrum of epilepsy with myoclonic atonic seizures

Shan Tang Laura Addis Anna Smith Simon D. Topp Manuela Pendziwiat Davide Mei Alasdair Parker Shakti Agrawal Elaine Hughes Karine Lascelles Ruth E. Williams Penny Fallon Robert Robinson Helen J. Cross Tammy Hedderly Christin Eltze Tim Kerr Archana Desurkar Nahin Hussain Maria Kinali Irene Bagnasco Grace Vassallo William Whitehouse Sushma Goyal Michael Absoud EuroEPINOMICS‐RES Consortium  Rikke S. Møller Ingo Helbig Yvonne G. Weber Carla Marini Renzo Guerrini Michael A. Simpson Deb K. Pal

Pages: 995-1007


Interactions between in vivo neuronal‐glial markers, side of hippocampal sclerosis, and pharmacoresponse in temporal lobe epilepsy

Luciana R. Pimentel‐Silva Raphael F. Casseb Mônica M. Cordeiro Bruno A. G. Campos Marina K. M. Alvim Fábio Rogerio Clarissa L. Yasuda Fernando Cendes

Pages: 1008-1018


Quantitative analysis of hyperkinetic seizures and correlation with seizure onset zone

Julie Fayerstein Aileen McGonigal Francesca Pizzo Francesca Bonini Stanislas Lagarde Aurore Braquet Agnès Trébuchon Romain Carron Didier Scavarda Scholly Julia Isabelle Lambert Bernard Giusiano Fabrice Bartolomei

Pages: 1019-1026


Upregulation of lactate dehydrogenase A in a chronic model of temporal lobe epilepsy

Nagisa Sada Shogo Suto Mana Suzuki Shoichiro Usui Tsuyoshi Inoue

Pages: e37-e42


Influence of dose and antiepileptic comedication on brivaracetam serum concentrations in patients with epilepsy

Anne Hagemann Dennis Klimpel Christian G. Bien Christian Brandt Theodor W. May

Pages: e43-e48

Epilepsia: Volumen 61, Issue 4, Abril 2020

Understanding the challenge of comparative effectiveness research in focal epilepsy: A review of network meta‐analyses and real‐world evidence on antiepileptic drugs

Solène Thieffry Pavel Klein Michel Baulac Jonathan Plumb Barbara Pelgrims Sara Steeves Simon Borghs

Pages: 595-609


Analysis of antiseizure drug‐related adverse reactions from the electronic health record using the common data model

Sun Ah Choi Hunmin Kim Seok Kim Sooyoung Yoo Soyoung Yi Yonghoon Jeon Hee Hwang Ki Joong Kim

Pages: 610-616


Pregabalin adjunctive therapy for focal onset seizures in children 1 month to <4 years of age: A double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, video‐electroencephalographic trial

Donald Mann Jeremias Antinew Lloyd Knapp Mary Almas Jing Liu Joseph Scavone Ruoyong Yang Margaret Modequillo Iryna Makedonska Marilyn Ortiz Alla Kyrychenko Douglas Nordli Viktor Farkas Mark Kristof Farkas on behalf of the A0081042 study group

Pages: 617-626


A retrospective comparison of phenobarbital and levetiracetam for the treatment of seizures following cardiac surgery in neonates

Céline Thibault Maryam Y. Naim Nicholas S. Abend Daniel J. Licht J. William Gaynor Rui Xiao Shavonne L. Massey

Pages: 627-635


Long‐term safety, efficacy, and quality of life outcomes with adjunctive brivaracetam treatment at individualized doses in patients with epilepsy: An up to 11‐year, open‐label, follow‐up trial

Terence J. O’Brien Simon Borghs Qin (Jane) He Anne‐Liv Schulz Stephen Yates Victor Biton

Pages: 636-646


Effectiveness and tolerability of lacosamide as add‐on therapy in patients with brain tumor–related epilepsy: Results from a prospective, noninterventional study in European clinical practice (VIBES)

Roberta Rudà Caroline Houillier Marta Maschio Jaap C. Reijneveld Scarlett Hellot Marc De Backer Jane Chan Lars Joeres Iryna Leunikava Martin Glas Robin Grant

Pages: 647-656


Testing association of rare genetic variants with resistance to three common antiseizure medications

Stefan Wolking Claudia Moreau Anne T. Nies Elke Schaeffeler Mark McCormack Pauls Auce Andreja Avbersek Felicitas Becker Martin Krenn Rikke S. Møller Marina Nikanorova Yvonne G. Weber Sarah Weckhuysen Gianpiero L. Cavalleri Norman Delanty Chantal 

Pages: 657-666


Somatic variants in new candidate genes identified in focal cortical dysplasia type II

Zhongbin Zhang Kai Gao Qingzhu Liu Jiapeng Zhou Xiyuan Li Na Lang Ming Liu Tianshuang Wang Jie Zhang Hui Wang Ying Dong Taoyun Ji Shuang Wang Xiaoyan Liu Yuwu Jiang Lixin Cai Ye Wu

Pages: 667-678


KCNT1‐related epilepsy: An international multicenter cohort of 27 pediatric cases

Felippe Borlot Ahmed Abushama Nadine Morrison‐Levy Puneet Jain Kollencheri Puthenveettil Vinayan Musaad Abukhalid Hesham M. Aldhalaan Hanin S. Almuzaini Sheffali Gulati Tova Hershkovitz Ramesh Konanki Lokesh Lingappa Aimee F. Luat Shatha 

Pages: 679-692


Posttraumatic epilepsy in intensive care unit–treated pediatric traumatic brain injury patients

Era D. Mikkonen Markus B. Skrifvars Matti Reinikainen Stepani Bendel Ruut Laitio Sanna Hoppu Tero Ala‐Kokko Atte Karppinen Rahul Raj

Pages: 693-701


Mortality in infantile spasms: A hospital‐based study

Chellamani Harini Elanagan Nagarajan Ann M. Bergin Phillip Pearl Tobias Loddenkemper Masanori Takeoka Peter F. Morrison David Coulter Gita Harappanahally Candice Marti Kanwaljit Singh Christopher Yuskaitis Annapurna Poduri Mark H. Libenson

Pages: 702-713


The mortality burden attributable to nontrauma fracture for privately insured adults with epilepsy

Daniel G. Whitney Sarah Bell Nancy A. McNamara Edward A. Hurvitz

Pages: 714-724


Effects of hippocampus‐sparing resections in the temporal lobe: Hippocampal atrophy is associated with a decline in memory performance

Kathrin Wagner Karin Gau Birgitta Metternich Maximilian J. Geiger Anne‐Sophie Wendling Navah E. Kadish Gitta Reuner Hans Mayer Irina Mader Jürgen Beck Josef Zentner Horst Urbach Andreas Schulze‐Bonhage Christoph P. Kaller Niels A. Foit

Pages: 725-734


Shared hippocampal abnormalities in sporadic temporal lobe epilepsy patients and their siblings

Lili Long Marian Galovic Yayu Chen Tjardo Postma Sjoerd B. Vos Fenglai Xiao Wenyue Wu Yanmin Song Sha Huang Matthias Koepp Bo Xiao

Pages: 735-746


The understanding of mental states and the cognitive phenotype of frontal lobe epilepsy

Anna Rita Giovagnoli Giulia Maria Tallarita Annalisa Parente Chiara Pastori Marco de Curtis

Pages: 747-757


Peri‐ictal responsiveness to the social environment is greater in psychogenic nonepileptic than epileptic seizures

Alistair Wardrope Siew Wong Jonathan McLaughlan Maytal Wolfe Maria Oto Markus Reuber

Pages: 758-765


Visual seizure annotation and automated seizure detection using behind‐the‐ear electroencephalographic channels

Kaat Vandecasteele Thomas De Cooman Jonathan Dan Evy Cleeren Sabine Van Huffel Borbála Hunyadi Wim Van Paesschen

Pages: 766-775


Forecasting cycles of seizure likelihood

Philippa J. Karoly Mark J. Cook Matias Maturana Ewan S. Nurse Daniel Payne Benjamin H. Brinkmann David B. Grayden Sonya B. Dumanis Mark P. Richardson Greg A. Worrell Andreas Schulze‐Bonhage Levin Kuhlmann Dean R. Freestone

Pages: 776-786


Adenosine kinase and adenosine receptors A1R and A2AR in temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis and association with risk factors for SUDEP

Smriti Patodia Beatrice Paradiso Maria Garcia Matthew Ellis Beate Diehl Maria Thom Orrin Devinsky

Pages: 787-797


Cardiac effects of repeated focal seizures in rats induced by intrahippocampal tetanus toxin: Bradyarrhythmias, tachycardias, and prolonged interictal QT interval

John G. R. Jefferys Alexander Ashby‐Lumsden Thelma A. Lovick

Pages: 798-809


Functional analysis of epilepsy‐associated variants in STXBP1/Munc18‐1 using humanized Caenorhabditis elegans

Bangfu Zhu Jennifer C. H. Mak Andrew P. Morris Anthony G. Marson Jeff W. Barclay Graeme J. Sills Alan Morgan

Pages: 810-821


Inherited RORB pathogenic variants: Overlap of photosensitive genetic generalized and occipital lobe epilepsy

Lynette G. Sadleir Guillem de Valles‐Ibáñez Chontelle King Matthew Coleman Stuart Mossman Sarah Paterson John Nguyen Samuel F. Berkovic Saul Mullen Melanie Bahlo Michael S. Hildebrand Heather C. Mefford Ingrid E. Scheffer

Pages: e23-e29


Focal and generalized seizure activity after local hippocampal or cortical ablation of NaV1.1 channels in mice

Nico A. Jansen Anisa Dehghani Cor Breukel Else A. Tolner Arn M. J. M. van den Maagdenberg

Pages: e30-e36

Epilepsia: Volumen 61, Issue 3, Marzo 2020

Biological concepts in human sodium channel epilepsies and their relevance in clinical practice

Andreas Brunklaus Juanjiangmeng Du Felix Steckler Ismael I. Ghanty Katrine M. Johannesen Christina Dühring Fenger Stephanie Schorge David Baez‐Nieto Hao‐Ran Wang Andrew Allen Jen Q. Pan Holger Lerche Henrike Heyne Joseph D. 

Pages: 387-399


Exacerbation of hepatic cirrhosis may trigger admission for epilepsy and status epilepticus

Jonathan M. Gursky Kyle C. Rossi Nathalie Jetté Mandip S. Dhamoon

Pages: 400-407


Mesial temporal resection following long‐term ambulatory intracranial EEG monitoring with a direct brain‐responsive neurostimulation system

Lawrence J. Hirsch Emily A. Mirro Vicenta Salanova Thomas C. Witt Cornelia N. Drees Mesha‐Gay Brown Ricky W. Lee Toni L. Sadler Elizabeth A. Felton Paul Rutecki Hae Won Shin Eldad Hadar Manu Hegde Vikram R. Rao Lilit Mnatsakanyan Deepak S. Madhavan Tarek J. Zakaria Anli A. Liu Christianne N. Heck Janet E. Greenwood Jeffrey K. Bigelow Dileep R. Nair Andreas V. Alexopoulos Michael Mackow Jonathan C. Edwards Nadia Sotudeh Ruben I. Kuzniecky Ryder P. Gwinn Michael J. Doherty Eric B. Geller Martha J. Morrell

Pages: 408-420


Same same but different: A Web‐based deep learning application revealed classifying features for the histopathologic distinction of cortical malformations

Joshua Kubach Angelika Muhlebner‐Fahrngruber Figen Soylemezoglu Hajime Miyata Pitt Niehusmann Mrinalini Honavar Fabio Rogerio Se‐Hoon Kim Eleonora Aronica Rita Garbelli Samuel Vilz Alexander Popp Stefan Walcher Christoph Neuner Michael Scholz Stefanie Kuerten Verena Schropp Sebastian Roeder Philip Eichhorn Markus Eckstein Axel Brehmer Katja Kobow Roland Coras Ingmar Blumcke Samir Jabari

Pages: 421-432


MRI profiling of focal cortical dysplasia using multi‐compartment diffusion models

Sara Lorio Sophie Adler Roxana Gunny Felice D’Arco Enrico Kaden Konrad Wagstyl Thomas S. Jacques Chris A. Clark Judith Helen Cross Torsten Baldeweg David W. Carmichael

Pages: 433-444


Treatment initiation decisions in newly diagnosed epilepsy–A longitudinal cohort study

Sameer Sharma Zhibin Chen Maria Rychkova John Dunne Judy Lee Linda Kalilani Nicholas Lawn Patrick Kwan

Pages: 445-454


Bioavailability and safety of diazepam intranasal solution compared to oral and rectal diazepam in healthy volunteers

R. Edward Hogan Barry E. Gidal Barry Koplowitz Luana P. Koplowitz Richard E. Lowenthal Enrique Carrazana

Pages: 455-464


Long‐term outcomes of reoperations in epilepsy surgery

Ruta Yardi Marcia E. Morita‐Sherman Zachary Fitzgerald Vineet Punia James Bena Shannon Morrison Imad Najm William Bingaman Lara Jehi

Pages: 465-478


Accidental deaths in young people with epilepsy and psychiatric comorbidity—A Danish nationwide cohort study

Sissel K. Aagaard Julie W. Dreier Yuelian Sun Thomas M. Laursen Jakob Christensen

Pages: 479-488


Predictors of focal to bilateral tonic‐clonic seizures during long‐term video‐EEG monitoring

Max C. Pensel Martin Schnuerch Christian E. Elger Rainer Surges

Pages: 489-497


Development of a model to predict electroencephalographic seizures in critically ill children

France W. Fung Marin Jacobwitz Darshana S. Parikh Lisa Vala Maureen Donnelly Jiaxin Fan Rui Xiao Alexis A. Topjian Nicholas S. Abend

Pages: 498-508


Early epilepsy in children with Zika‐related microcephaly in a cohort in Recife, Brazil: Characteristics, electroencephalographic findings, and treatment response

Maria Durce C. G. Carvalho Ricardo A. A. Ximenes Ulisses R. Montarroyos Paula F. S. da Silva Luciana P. A. Andrade‐Valença Sophie H. Eickmann Regina C. Ramos Maria Ângela W. Rocha Thalia V. B. de Araujo Maria de Fátima P. M. de Albuquerque Celina M. T. Martelli Wayner V. de Souza Elizabeth B. Brickley Demócrito de B. Miranda‐Filho on behalf of the Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group

Pages: 509-518


Mortality and morbidity of patients with treated and untreated epilepsy in New Zealand

Kristen Joy Hamilton Zhibin Chen Andrew Tomlin Patrick Kwan

Pages: 519-527


Quantitative readability analysis of websites providing information on traumatic brain injury and epilepsy: A need for clear communication

Daniel José Correa Lindsey Milano Churl‐Su Kwon Nathalie Jetté Dennis Dlugos Lauren Harte‐Hargrove Mary Jo Pugh Jessica K. Smith Solomon L. Moshé

Pages: 528-538


Positive illusions determine quality of life in drug‐resistant epilepsy

Sarah J. Wilson Genevieve Rayner Jessamae Pieters

Pages: 539-548


New insights into the early mechanisms of epileptogenesis in a zebrafish model of Dravet syndrome

Ettore Tiraboschi Silvia Martina Wietske van der Ent Kamil Grzyb Kinga Gawel Maria Lorena Cordero‐Maldonado Suresh Kumar Poovathingal Sarah Heintz Somisetty Venkata Satheesh Jarle Brattespe Ju Xu Maximiliano Suster Alexander Skupin Camila V. Esguerra

Pages: 549-560


Optogenetic intervention of seizures improves spatial memory in a mouse model of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy

Hannah K. Kim Tilo Gschwind Theresa M. Nguyen Anh D. Bui Sylwia Felong Kristen Ampig David Suh Annie V. Ciernia Marcelo A. Wood Ivan Soltesz

Pages: 561-571


Progressive cardiorespiratory dysfunction in Kv1.1 knockout mice may provide temporal biomarkers of pending sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP): The contribution of orexin

Shruthi H. Iyer Ankita Aggarwal Ted J. Warren Jodi Hallgren Peter W. Abel Timothy A. Simeone Kristina A. Simeone

Pages: 572-588


SUDEP among young adults in the San Diego County Medical Examiner Office

Esma Karlovich Orrin Devinsky Michael Brandsoy Daniel Friedman

Pages: e17-e22

Epilepsia: Volumen 61, Issue 2, Febrero 2020

Impaired vigilance networks in temporal lobe epilepsy: Mechanisms and clinical implications

Dario J. Englot Victoria L. Morgan Catie Chang

Pages: 189-202


Microglial polarization in posttraumatic epilepsy: Potential mechanism and treatment opportunity

Peravina Therajaran John A. Hamilton Terence J. O'Brien Nigel C. Jones Idrish Ali

Pages: 203-215


Trends in pediatric epilepsy surgery in Europe between 2008 and 2015: Country‐, center‐, and age‐specific variation

Carmen Barba Judith Helen Cross Kees Braun Massimo Cossu Kerstin Alexandra Klotz Salvatore De Masi Maria Angeles Perez Jiménez Eija Gaily Nicola Specchio Pedro Cabral Joseph Toulouse Petia Dimova Domenica Battaglia Elena Freri Alessandro Consales 

Pages: 216-227


Epilepsy‐specific patient‐reported outcome measures of children's health‐related quality of life: A systematic review of measurement properties

Holly Crudgington Morwenna Rogers Hannah Morris Paul Gringras Deb K. Pal Christopher Morris

Pages: 230-248


Genetic diagnoses in epilepsy: The impact of dynamic exome analysis in a pediatric cohort

Anne Rochtus Heather E. Olson Lacey Smith Louisa G. Keith Christelle El Achkar Alan Taylor Sonal Mahida Meredith Park McKenna Kelly Catherine Shain Shira Rockowitz Beth Rosen Sheidley Annapurna Poduri

Pages: 249-258


Hyperlipidemia in patients newly treated with anticonvulsants: A population study

Scott Mintzer Misung Yi Sarah Hegarty Vittorio Maio Scott Keith

Pages: 259-266

A phase 1, randomized, pharmacokinetic trial of the effect of different meal compositions, whole milk, and alcohol on cannabidiol exposure and safety in healthy subjects

Julie Crockett David Critchley Bola Tayo Joris Berwaerts Gilmour Morrison

Pages: 267-277


Efficacy and safety of adjunctive perampanel 4 mg/d for the treatment of focal seizures: A pooled post hoc analysis of four randomized, double‐blind, phase III studies

Bernhard J. Steinhoff Anna Patten Betsy Williams Manoj Malhotra

Pages: 278-286


Seven‐tesla susceptibility‐weighted analysis of hippocampal venous structures: Application to magnetic‐resonance–normal focal epilepsy

Rebecca Emily Feldman Lara Vanessa Marcuse Gaurav Verma Stephanie Sian Gabriella Brown Alexandru Rus John Watson Rutland Bradley Neil Delman Priti Balchandani Madeline Cara Fields

Pages: 287-296


Hippocampal profiling: Localized magnetic resonance imaging volumetry and T2 relaxometry for hippocampal sclerosis

Sjoerd B. Vos Gavin P. Winston Olivia Goodkin Hugh G. Pemberton Frederik Barkhof Ferran Prados Marian Galovic Matthias Koepp Sebastien Ourselin M. Jorge Cardoso John S. Duncan

Pages: 297-309


Neuropeptide depletion in the amygdala in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: A postmortem study

Alyma Somani Charlotte Perry Smriti Patodia Zuzanna Michalak Matthew Ellis Sanjay M. Sisodiya Maria Thom

Pages: 310-318


The economic burden of caregiving in epilepsy: An estimate based on a survey of US caregivers

Shaun A. Hussain Jesse D. Ortendahl Tanya G. K. Bentley Amanda L. Harmon Shaloo Gupta Charles E. Begley Ibrahim Khilfeh Russell L. Knoth

Pages: 319-329


Phase‐dependent modulation of cortical and thalamic sensory responses during spike‐and‐wave discharges

Mark S. Williams Sarah Lecas Stéphane Charpier Séverine Mahon

Pages: 330-341


Audiogenic seizure as a model of sudden death in epilepsy: A comparative study between four inbred mouse strains from early life to adulthood

Benoît Martin Gabriel Dieuset Jodi L. Pawluski Nathalie Costet Arnaud Biraben

Pages: 342-349


Ensembling crowdsourced seizure prediction algorithms using long‐term human intracranial EEG

Chip Reuben Philippa Karoly Dean R. Freestone Andriy Temko Alexandre Barachant Feng Li Gilberto Titericz Jr. Brian W. Lang Daniel Lavery Kelly Roman Derek Broadhead Gareth Jones Qingnan Tang Irina Ivanenko Oleg Panichev Timothée Proix Michal Náhlík Daniel B. Grunberg David B. Grayden Mark J. Cook Levin Kuhlmann

Pages: e7-e12


Seizures induce obstructive apnea in DBA/2J audiogenic seizure‐prone mice: Lifesaving impact of tracheal implants

Rachel Irizarry Daniel Sukato Richard Kollmar Samuel Schild Joshua Silverman Krishnamurthi Sundaram Stacy Stephenson Mark Stewart

Pages: e13-e16

Epilepsia: Volumen 61, Issue 1, Enero 2020

Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers of status epilepticus

Aurélie Hanin Virginie Lambrecq Jérôme Alexandre Denis Françoise Imbert‐Bismut Benoît Rucheton Foudil Lamari Dominique Bonnefont‐Rousselot Sophie Demeret Vincent Navarro

Pages: 6-18 First Published: 11 December 2019


Realistic driving simulation during generalized epileptiform discharges to identify electroencephalographic features related to motor vehicle safety: Feasibility and pilot study

Eli Cohen Prince Antwi Barbara C. Banz Peter Vincent Rick Saha Christopher A. Arencibia Jun H. Ryu Ece Atac Nehan Saleem Shiori Tomatsu Kohleman Swift Claire Hu Heinz Krestel Pue Farooque Susan Levy Jia Wu Michael Crowley Federico E. Vaca Hal Blumenfeld

Pages: 19-28 First Published: 24 October 2019


Prospective validation study of an epilepsy seizure risk system for outpatient evaluation

Sharon Chiang Daniel M. Goldenholz Robert Moss Vikram R. Rao Zulfi Haneef William H. Theodore Jonathan K. Kleen Jay Gavvala Marina Vannucci John M. Stern

Pages: 29-38 First Published: 02 December 2019


Prospective validation of a machine learning model that uses provider notes to identify candidates for resective epilepsy surgery

Benjamin D. Wissel Hansel M. Greiner Tracy A. Glauser Katherine D. Holland‐Bouley Francesco T. Mangano Daniel Santel Robert Faist Nanhua Zhang John P. Pestian Rhonda D. Szczesniak Judith W. Dexheimer

Pages: 39-48 First Published: 29 November 2019


Clinical benefit of presurgical EEG‐fMRI in difficult‐to‐localize focal epilepsy: A single‐institution retrospective review

Magdalena A. Kowalczyk Amir Omidvarnia David F. Abbott Chris Tailby David N. Vaughan Graeme D. Jackson

Pages: 49-60 First Published: 02 December 2019


Readmission after neurosurgical intervention in epilepsy: A nationwide cohort analysis

Churl‐Su Kwon Parul Agarwal Varsha Subramaniam Mandip Dhamoon Madhu Mazumdar Anusha Yeshokumar Fedor Panov Saadi Ghatan Nathalie Jetté

Pages: 61-69 First Published: 02 December 2019


Volume change in amygdala enlargement as a prognostic factor in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: A longitudinal study

Han Kyu Na Ho‐Joon Lee Seok‐Jun Hong Dong Hyun Lee Kyung Min Kim Hyung Woo Lee Kyoung Heo Kyoo Ho Cho

Pages: 70-80 First Published: 11 December 2019


Epileptogenicity in tuberous sclerosis complex: A stereoelectroencephalographic study

Andrew Neal Karine Ostrowsky‐Coste Julien Jung Stanislas Lagarde Louis Maillard Philippe Kahane Renaud Touraine Helene Catenoix Alexandra Montavont Jean Isnard Alexis Arzimanoglou Fabrice Bartolomei Marc Guenot Sylvain Rheims

Pages: 81-95 First Published: 20 December 2019


Responsive neurostimulation for regional neocortical epilepsy

Brandy B. Ma Madeline C. Fields Robert C. Knowlton Edward F. Chang Jerzy P. Szaflarski Lara V. Marcuse Vikram R. Rao

Pages: 96-106 First Published: 11 December 2019


Doing without valproate in women of childbearing potential with idiopathic generalized epilepsy: Implications on seizure outcome

Emanuele Cerulli Irelli Alessandra Morano Enrico Cocchi Sara Casciato Martina Fanella Mariarita Albini Federica Avorio Luca M. Basili Giacomo Fisco Francesca A. Barone Addolarata Mascia Alfredo D’Aniello Mario Manfredi Jinane Fattouch Pierpaolo Quarato Anna Teresa Giallonardo Giancarlo Di Gennaro Carlo Di Bonaventura

Pages: 107-114 First Published: 11 December 2019


External validation and comparison of two prediction models for seizure recurrence after the withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs in adult patients

Jiahe Lin Siqi Ding Xueying Li Yingjie Hua Xinshi Wang Ruqian He Yanru Du Niange Xia Yanyan Chen Zhenguo Zhu Rongyuan Zheng Huiqin Xu

Pages: 115-124 First Published: 02 December 2019


Open‐label study to investigate the safety and efficacy of adjunctive perampanel in pediatric patients (4 to <12 years) with inadequately controlled focal seizures or generalized tonic‐clonic seizures

Andras Fogarasi Robert Flamini Mathieu Milh Steven Phillips Shinsaku Yoshitomi Anna Patten Takao Takase Antonio Laurenza Leock Y. Ngo

Pages: 125-137 First Published: 07 January 2020


Early detection rate changes from a brain‐responsive neurostimulation system predict efficacy of newly added antiseizure drugs

Imran H. Quraishi Michael R. Mercier Tara L. Skarpaas Lawrence J. Hirsch

Pages: 138-148 First Published: 17 December 2019


Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis of (2S,3S)‐sec‐butylpropylacetamide (SPD) in rats and pigs—A CNS‐active stereoisomer of SPD

David Bibi Meir Bialer

Pages: 149-156 First Published: 20 January 2020


A face‐to‐face comparison of the intra‐amygdala and intrahippocampal kainate mouse models of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and their utility for testing novel therapies

Lisa Welzel Alina Schidlitzki Friederike Twele Muneeb Anjum Wolfgang Löscher

Pages: 157-170 First Published: 11 December 2019


Oligodendrocyte lineage and myelination are compromised in the gray matter of focal cortical dysplasia type IIa

Catharina Donkels Myriam Peters Mateo T. Fariña Núñez Julia M. Nakagawa Matthias Kirsch Andreas Vlachos Christian Scheiwe Andreas Schulze‐Bonhage Marco Prinz Jürgen Beck Carola A. Haas

Pages: 171-184 First Published: 24 December 2019


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